all postcodes in SN12 / MELKSHAM

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN12 6JB 0 51.366122 -2.141006
SN12 6JD 0 51.365824 -2.142097
SN12 6JE 0 51.366147 -2.142917
SN12 6JF 0 51.366819 -2.144341
SN12 6JG 0 51.367386 -2.144142
SN12 6JH 0 51.367763 -2.144646
SN12 6JJ 0 51.367756 -2.143496
SN12 6JL 3 51.373119 -2.137402
SN12 6JN 0 51.372274 -2.139632
SN12 6JP 0 51.368528 -2.144576
SN12 6JQ 0 51.370404 -2.139698
SN12 6JR 5 51.372473 -2.138454
SN12 6JS 1 51.372257 -2.138583
SN12 6JT 0 51.372669 -2.137818
SN12 6JU 9 51.372573 -2.137894
SN12 6JX 1 51.372457 -2.137204
SN12 6JY 17 51.373193 -2.138284
SN12 6LA 9 51.373166 -2.137824
SN12 6LD 1 51.373355 -2.13771
SN12 6LE 17 51.374209 -2.13833