all postcodes in SN13 / CORSHAM

find any address or company within the SN13 postcode district

Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN13 9QL 4 0 51.423792 -2.157378
SN13 9QN 6 0 51.414863 -2.157578
SN13 9QP 9 0 51.413225 -2.158334
SN13 9QQ 10 1 51.430254 -2.151297
SN13 9QR 7 0 51.413101 -2.163827
SN13 9QS 14 1 51.414717 -2.165328
SN13 9QW 4 0 51.41393 -2.154205
SN13 9RA 2 2 51.4218 -2.220402
SN13 9RD 1 1 51.418296 -2.214982
SN13 9RG 33 18 51.423728 -2.222871
SN13 9RH 9 8 51.424476 -2.192661
SN13 9RJ 30 0 51.418951 -2.210556
SN13 9RL 11 0 51.419882 -2.208216
SN13 9RN 23 0 51.42011 -2.206376
SN13 9RP 6 0 51.42148 -2.20434
SN13 9RQ 29 0 51.4192 -2.21257
SN13 9RR 14 0 51.421356 -2.203132
SN13 9RS 10 10 51.421297 -2.199949
SN13 9RT 1 1 51.42173 -2.20043
SN13 9RU 1 1 51.422272 -2.198649