all postcodes in SN13 / CORSHAM

find any address or company within the SN13 postcode district

Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN13 9BN 9 0 51.435424 -2.195009
SN13 9BP 3 0 51.432098 -2.18901
SN13 9BQ 16 11 51.431533 -2.186875
SN13 9BS 17 3 51.43259 -2.189411
SN13 9BT 5 0 51.432376 -2.189673
SN13 9BU 6 0 51.432707 -2.190509
SN13 9BX 20 4 51.433172 -2.192079
SN13 9BY 14 1 51.433333 -2.191745
SN13 9BZ 12 0 51.434085 -2.194845
SN13 9DA 5 1 51.434117 -2.196931
SN13 9DB 15 0 51.433643 -2.194609
SN13 9DE 36 0 51.43084 -2.188387
SN13 9DF 1 1 51.430465 -2.192355
SN13 9DG 43 0 51.431242 -2.190071
SN13 9DH 17 0 51.431249 -2.191237
SN13 9DJ 11 0 51.43205 -2.191139
SN13 9DL 1 1 51.432354 -2.192018
SN13 9DN 22 6 51.432558 -2.193429
SN13 9DP 16 0 51.433087 -2.194395
SN13 9DR 49 0 51.432384 -2.195557