all postcodes in SN14 / CHIPPENHAM

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN14 0EL 8 0 51.461343 -2.125668
SN14 0EN 32 1 51.462197 -2.126074
SN14 0EP 5 2 51.462656 -2.123853
SN14 0EQ 23 0 51.459551 -2.12775
SN14 0ET 30 1 51.462744 -2.126517
SN14 0EU 31 0 51.462912 -2.129602
SN14 0EW 1 0 51.462872 -2.125298
SN14 0EX 22 0 51.461976 -2.13065
SN14 0EY 20 0 51.463694 -2.12995
SN14 0EZ 19 0 51.462884 -2.130898
SN14 0FA 20 0 51.452447 -2.150843
SN14 0FB 11 0 51.451692 -2.151229
SN14 0FD 8 0 51.452321 -2.151303
SN14 0FE 12 0 51.453175 -2.151421
SN14 0FG 18 0 51.45265 -2.14586
SN14 0GA 25 0 51.456458 -2.150813
SN14 0GB 1 1 51.447593 -2.142682
SN14 0GH 1 1 51.464891 -2.144161
SN14 0GT 6 5 51.446621 -2.143557
SN14 0GU 1 1 51.44782 -2.141316