all postcodes in SN14 / CHIPPENHAM

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN14 7HW 4 0 51.493977 -2.229584
SN14 7HX 12 0 51.492036 -2.229243
SN14 7HY 1 0 51.490525 -2.229365
SN14 7HZ 2 0 51.483627 -2.22937
SN14 7JA 3 0 51.488024 -2.234653
SN14 7JB 1 0 51.487331 -2.248
SN14 7JD 7 0 51.488462 -2.265246
SN14 7JE 17 1 51.495775 -2.271958
SN14 7JF 3 0 51.485406 -2.190988
SN14 7JG 9 0 51.493378 -2.274075
SN14 7JH 6 0 51.492689 -2.283837
SN14 7JJ 7 0 51.493991 -2.281008
SN14 7JL 2 0 51.4997 -2.291988
SN14 7JN 2 0 51.499597 -2.224393
SN14 7JQ 13 1 51.493655 -2.278542
SN14 7JR 4 0 51.484531 -2.192223
SN14 7JS 8 0 51.491643 -2.192714
SN14 7JT 1 1 51.491167 -2.192236
SN14 7JU 2 0 51.495452 -2.199424
SN14 7JW 11 1 51.498523 -2.226784