all postcodes in SN14 / CHIPPENHAM

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN14 7JY 7 1 51.502528 -2.183986
SN14 7JZ 3 0 51.496181 -2.194202
SN14 7LA 1 0 51.500291 -2.19396
SN14 7LB 3 0 51.506557 -2.199794
SN14 7LD 18 0 51.507393 -2.188703
SN14 7LE 2 0 51.502714 -2.20117
SN14 7LF 2 0 51.501509 -2.201424
SN14 7LG 1 0 51.500017 -2.211607
SN14 7LH 4 2 51.510727 -2.234741
SN14 7LJ 22 2 51.511871 -2.237869
SN14 7LL 1 0 51.510432 -2.242852
SN14 7LN 8 0 51.515008 -2.24756
SN14 7LP 14 0 51.514307 -2.263725
SN14 7LR 7 1 51.513164 -2.26428
SN14 7LS 28 0 51.513081 -2.265303
SN14 7LT 14 3 51.514489 -2.266838
SN14 7LU 8 0 51.51454 -2.268222
SN14 7LX 2 1 51.51535 -2.271685
SN14 7LY 6 1 51.515316 -2.270849
SN14 7LZ 1 0 51.514731 -2.242197