all postcodes in SN14 / CHIPPENHAM

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN14 7NA 26 0 51.520105 -2.243854
SN14 7NB 17 0 51.522278 -2.24525
SN14 7ND 3 0 51.524646 -2.247612
SN14 7NE 1 0 51.515142 -2.230224
SN14 7NF 1 0 51.512519 -2.233208
SN14 7NG 1 0 51.509509 -2.227933
SN14 7NH 1 0 51.505911 -2.237453
SN14 7NJ 10 1 51.500507 -2.246127
SN14 7NL 7 0 51.494894 -2.251729
SN14 7NN 16 1 51.498013 -2.256341
SN14 7NP 7 0 51.500739 -2.259843
SN14 7NQ 5 0 51.503648 -2.22714
SN14 7NR 8 0 51.501259 -2.260192
SN14 7NS 16 0 51.502716 -2.264047
SN14 7NT 12 1 51.50534 -2.264447
SN14 7NU 5 0 51.504857 -2.263785
SN14 7NW 3 0 51.498997 -2.258565
SN14 7NX 2 0 51.503412 -2.258168
SN14 7NY 11 0 51.505733 -2.261366
SN14 7NZ 3 0 51.50885 -2.263145