all postcodes in SN15 / CORSHAM

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN15 3WA 0 51.449464 -2.109116
SN15 3WB 0 51.449077 -2.108568
SN15 3WL 26 51.458394 -2.116938
SN15 3WU 1 51.464891 -2.144161
SN15 3XA 0 51.449333 -2.093919
SN15 3XB 1 51.451968 -2.092687
SN15 3XE 0 51.449086 -2.108856
SN15 3XF 0 51.44833 -2.109904
SN15 3XG 0 51.458559 -2.103179
SN15 3XH 0 51.457541 -2.105494
SN15 3XJ 0 51.45711 -2.105061
SN15 3XL 0 51.45712 -2.103665
SN15 3XN 0 51.457741 -2.102975
SN15 3XQ 0 51.458847 -2.103597
SN15 3XR 1 51.464891 -2.144161
SN15 3XS 0 51.45811 -2.103178
SN15 3XT 0 51.457946 -2.10512
SN15 3XW 0 51.45748 -2.103781
SN15 3XX 0 51.45756 -2.104616
SN15 3XY 0 51.456796 -2.104772