all postcodes in SN15 / CORSHAM

find any address or company within the SN15 postcode district

Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN15 3TZ 0 51.444628 -2.097176
SN15 3UA 0 51.445886 -2.098258
SN15 3UB 0 51.445435 -2.099077
SN15 3UD 0 51.446839 -2.097497
SN15 3UE 0 51.446929 -2.09813
SN15 3UF 0 51.447351 -2.098793
SN15 3UG 0 51.448393 -2.099587
SN15 3UH 0 51.448948 -2.102164
SN15 3UJ 0 51.447808 -2.100003
SN15 3UL 0 51.444061 -2.097088
SN15 3UN 0 51.447904 -2.103658
SN15 3UP 0 51.443682 -2.099073
SN15 3UQ 0 51.448877 -2.099669
SN15 3UR 0 51.444401 -2.098859
SN15 3UT 0 51.444706 -2.100082
SN15 3UU 0 51.444149 -2.099463
SN15 3UW 0 51.44838 -2.104048
SN15 3UX 0 51.449354 -2.100087
SN15 3UY 0 51.444096 -2.098297
SN15 3UZ 0 51.448537 -2.0994