all postcodes in SN15 / CORSHAM

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN15 3BA 2 51.451896 -2.104243
SN15 3BB 0 51.451752 -2.102424
SN15 3BD 0 51.451692 -2.100803
SN15 3BE 0 51.451568 -2.098716
SN15 3BF 1 51.452609 -2.111123
SN15 3BG 0 51.451228 -2.097089
SN15 3BL 0 51.454921 -2.11005
SN15 3BQ 0 51.453941 -2.110004
SN15 3BS 4 51.456876 -2.114559
SN15 3BT 3 51.456662 -2.11276
SN15 3BW 4 51.456822 -2.115451
SN15 3BX 0 51.45447 -2.111358
SN15 3BY 0 51.456599 -2.113191
SN15 3BZ 1 51.457398 -2.114546
SN15 3DA 1 51.455683 -2.11234
SN15 3DB 4 51.455746 -2.111635
SN15 3DD 5 51.456779 -2.112544
SN15 3DE 1 51.455072 -2.111331
SN15 3DF 0 51.455206 -2.112224
SN15 3DG 0 51.454982 -2.111964