all postcodes in SN15 / CORSHAM

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN15 3DH 1 51.455429 -2.114138
SN15 3DJ 1 51.455592 -2.113232
SN15 3DL 0 51.454548 -2.113719
SN15 3DN 0 51.454458 -2.114006
SN15 3DP 0 51.454002 -2.111918
SN15 3DQ 0 51.4564 -2.114572
SN15 3DR 0 51.454568 -2.112006
SN15 3DS 0 51.45358 -2.11078
SN15 3DT 0 51.453751 -2.110536
SN15 3DU 0 51.452969 -2.110002
SN15 3DW 0 51.454675 -2.112899
SN15 3DX 0 51.452979 -2.109484
SN15 3DY 0 51.452979 -2.108966
SN15 3DZ 0 51.451839 -2.107294
SN15 3EA 1 51.451389 -2.107014
SN15 3EB 1 51.450034 -2.104829
SN15 3ED 1 51.458027 -2.114994
SN15 3EE 0 51.450627 -2.105535
SN15 3EF 0 51.450179 -2.103375
SN15 3EG 0 51.450872 -2.10319