all postcodes in SN2 / SWINDON

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN2 1DJ 1 51.570012 -1.801433
SN2 1DL 0 51.56929 -1.799965
SN2 1DN 0 51.569822 -1.800323
SN2 1DP 0 51.571797 -1.798066
SN2 1DQ 0 51.571007 -1.799539
SN2 1DR 0 51.570104 -1.797003
SN2 1DT 1 51.566824 -1.793021
SN2 1DW 0 51.570286 -1.798488
SN2 1DY 1 51.568405 -1.787517
SN2 1DZ 12 51.566079 -1.793331
SN2 1EA 1 51.568001 -1.797647
SN2 1ED 5 51.567844 -1.795239
SN2 1EF 1 51.567047 -1.797435
SN2 1EG 1 51.565592 -1.792767
SN2 1EJ 6 51.56848 -1.799074
SN2 1EL 3 51.565755 -1.793675
SN2 1EP 1 51.567539 -1.79084
SN2 1ET 1 51.566728 -1.784755
SN2 1EU 1 51.566728 -1.784755
SN2 1EX 0 51.572024 -1.779983