all postcodes in SN2 / SWINDON

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN2 1EY 1 51.571521 -1.784187
SN2 1EZ 0 51.572507 -1.78353
SN2 1HA 0 51.572393 -1.784945
SN2 1HB 3 51.571275 -1.787478
SN2 1HD 0 51.572172 -1.786807
SN2 1HE 0 51.572039 -1.788207
SN2 1HF 2 51.571996 -1.789102
SN2 1HG 0 51.573291 -1.789341
SN2 1HH 0 51.574613 -1.789609
SN2 1HJ 0 51.575037 -1.790113
SN2 1HL 4 51.571103 -1.792197
SN2 1HN 0 51.571134 -1.795195
SN2 1HP 0 51.571256 -1.782742
SN2 1HQ 0 51.573298 -1.788216
SN2 1HS 0 51.57367 -1.784852
SN2 1HT 0 51.573552 -1.784463
SN2 1HU 0 51.579963 -1.794679
SN2 1HW 1 51.571239 -1.798571
SN2 1HX 0 51.579751 -1.796931
SN2 1HY 0 51.581584 -1.795942