all postcodes in SN2 / SWINDON

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN2 7JX 22 1 51.58588 -1.76173
SN2 7JY 9 0 51.586473 -1.761193
SN2 7JZ 18 0 51.586912 -1.760844
SN2 7LA 21 1 51.585924 -1.76095
SN2 7LB 38 0 51.585985 -1.760344
SN2 7LD 22 0 51.587541 -1.760581
SN2 7LE 18 0 51.58845 -1.761009
SN2 7LF 14 0 51.588029 -1.761834
SN2 7LG 8 0 51.587967 -1.762325
SN2 7LH 10 0 51.589163 -1.762319
SN2 7LJ 18 0 51.588977 -1.763749
SN2 7LL 38 2 51.590142 -1.76152
SN2 7LN 43 0 51.590414 -1.762601
SN2 7LP 20 0 51.589285 -1.764642
SN2 7LQ 18 0 51.588562 -1.763015
SN2 7LR 17 0 51.590281 -1.763612
SN2 7LS 5 0 51.583622 -1.761092
SN2 7LT 34 0 51.581932 -1.765647
SN2 7LW 12 0 51.589534 -1.763602
SN2 7NA 50 0 51.585102 -1.759367