all postcodes in SN2 / SWINDON

find any address or company within the SN2 postcode district

Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN2 7NB 22 0 51.58565 -1.759249
SN2 7ND 8 0 51.585606 -1.759682
SN2 7NE 33 0 51.586414 -1.758869
SN2 7NF 26 0 51.587057 -1.756975
SN2 7NG 26 1 51.58776 -1.757809
SN2 7NH 12 0 51.587863 -1.759396
SN2 7NJ 43 0 51.589983 -1.758923
SN2 7NL 23 0 51.589498 -1.75907
SN2 7NN 27 0 51.589132 -1.760039
SN2 7NQ 34 0 51.587231 -1.758504
SN2 7NW 40 0 51.589052 -1.760674
SN2 7PA 5 0 51.594585 -1.758133
SN2 7PE 42 1 51.593312 -1.759988
SN2 7PF 36 0 51.593051 -1.759455
SN2 7PL 12 0 51.586195 -1.766188
SN2 7PN 2 0 51.598082 -1.770561
SN2 7PP 20 0 51.585861 -1.765526
SN2 7PR 20 0 51.585861 -1.765526
SN2 7PS 26 0 51.585476 -1.766221
SN2 7PT 27 0 51.585476 -1.766221