all postcodes in SN3 / SWINDON

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN3 1PR 12 0 51.545691 -1.767376
SN3 1PS 22 0 51.546674 -1.768626
SN3 1PT 28 0 51.544268 -1.748623
SN3 1PU 10 0 51.546541 -1.769795
SN3 1PW 4 0 51.545026 -1.767481
SN3 1PX 21 0 51.547593 -1.769703
SN3 1PY 12 0 51.548198 -1.771142
SN3 1PZ 32 0 51.549105 -1.770301
SN3 1QA 12 0 51.548447 -1.769713
SN3 1QB 6 0 51.548607 -1.768674
SN3 1QD 20 1 51.549229 -1.769478
SN3 1QE 4 0 51.549793 -1.768466
SN3 1QF 13 0 51.548866 -1.768081
SN3 1QG 35 0 51.548559 -1.767001
SN3 1QJ 41 0 51.550305 -1.772574
SN3 1QL 2 2 51.551098 -1.773207
SN3 1QN 1 1 51.551097 -1.773219
SN3 1QP 11 1 51.551112 -1.771445
SN3 1QQ 37 0 51.547123 -1.768064
SN3 1QR 3 0 51.550796 -1.77097