all postcodes in SN3 / SWINDON

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN3 1NJ 30 0 51.543779 -1.764214
SN3 1NL 8 0 51.543808 -1.761012
SN3 1NN 28 0 51.544355 -1.755861
SN3 1NP 42 1 51.544091 -1.754219
SN3 1NQ 45 0 51.538313 -1.755923
SN3 1NR 20 0 51.543455 -1.759644
SN3 1NS 20 1 51.542209 -1.761698
SN3 1NT 13 0 51.542247 -1.762765
SN3 1NU 16 0 51.542742 -1.763094
SN3 1NW 4 0 51.544814 -1.751908
SN3 1NX 25 0 51.543319 -1.763784
SN3 1PA 6 0 51.54832 -1.773867
SN3 1PB 48 0 51.548066 -1.772758
SN3 1PD 20 14 51.549194 -1.774685
SN3 1PG 10 0 51.544369 -1.749819
SN3 1PH 9 0 51.548586 -1.771645
SN3 1PJ 14 0 51.547137 -1.771032
SN3 1PL 11 0 51.545974 -1.769697
SN3 1PN 9 0 51.545126 -1.768331
SN3 1PP 13 0 51.545945 -1.768702