all postcodes in SN4 / MALMESBURY

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN4 7RA 0 51.516189 -1.872109
SN4 7RB 4 51.511267 -1.877382
SN4 7RD 0 51.504652 -1.871652
SN4 7RE 1 51.501417 -1.872655
SN4 7RG 0 51.499374 -1.871508
SN4 7RR 1 51.497567 -1.871643
SN4 7RH 0 51.497859 -1.867479
SN4 7RJ 0 51.502302 -1.860498
SN4 7RL 0 51.498221 -1.869264
SN4 7RN 0 51.499833 -1.871463
SN4 7RP 0 51.506074 -1.872339
SN4 7RQ 0 51.498941 -1.869665
SN4 7RT 0 51.498868 -1.868743
SN4 7RU 0 51.496053 -1.876674
SN4 7RW 0 51.500597 -1.871726
SN4 7RX 1 51.504999 -1.885107
SN4 7RY 0 51.505891 -1.896286
SN4 7RZ 0 51.514685 -1.887446
SN4 7SA 7 51.526873 -1.892418
SN4 7SB 0 51.544049 -1.917642