all postcodes in SN4 / MALMESBURY

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN4 7SD 0 51.538408 -1.91226
SN4 7SH 0 51.543046 -1.889713
SN4 7SJ 0 51.543117 -1.888905
SN4 7SP 8 51.534928 -1.900459
SN4 7SQ 0 51.544413 -1.889854
SN4 7SR 21 51.531988 -1.900955
SN4 7SY 1 51.53232 -1.900248
SN4 7TA 0 51.537024 -1.902011
SN4 7WB 1 51.53232 -1.900248
SN4 7XA 1 51.53232 -1.900248
SN4 7BL 4 0 51.533981 -1.897649
SN4 7QH 0 51.503734 -1.908537
SN4 7SE 10 0 51.531501 -1.899659
SN4 7GZ 5 0 51.551448 -1.894409
SN4 7FD 7 0 51.541155 -1.906363
SN4 7FE 0 51.536663 -1.900224
SN4 7FF 0 51.53738 -1.897916
SN4 7FG 0 51.536392 -1.898855
SN4 7FH 0 51.536661 -1.897701
SN4 7FJ 0 51.535672 -1.897905