all postcodes in SN4 / MALMESBURY

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN4 8QJ 1 1 51.540713 -1.884628
SN4 8QP 3 1 51.545214 -1.857218
SN4 8QQ 1 1 51.538772 -1.88645
SN4 8QR 19 2 51.534737 -1.863191
SN4 8QS 5 0 51.539113 -1.876414
SN4 8QT 3 0 51.516872 -1.849107
SN4 8QU 2 0 51.541882 -1.884372
SN4 8QW 9 0 51.546378 -1.88509
SN4 8QX 8 0 51.543093 -1.891299
SN4 8QY 19 1 51.540206 -1.901384
SN4 8QZ 6 0 51.543065 -1.890448
SN4 8RA 10 0 51.543759 -1.892595
SN4 8RB 41 0 51.541963 -1.885418
SN4 8SD 1 1 51.53232 -1.900248
SN4 8SY 9 7 51.538071 -1.886235
SN4 8SZ 6 0 51.54118 -1.893985
SN4 8DL 0 51.543146 -1.901176
SN4 8DN 6 0 51.54302 -1.899481
SN4 8DW 1 1 51.554737 -1.927589
SN4 8WP 1 1 51.53232 -1.900248