all postcodes in SN4 / MALMESBURY

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN4 0DD 0 51.543083 -1.699588
SN4 0DE 0 51.543202 -1.70051
SN4 0DF 3 51.541685 -1.698011
SN4 0DH 3 51.549465 -1.675418
SN4 0DJ 0 51.547118 -1.668471
SN4 0DL 0 51.546937 -1.668155
SN4 0DN 0 51.547114 -1.66746
SN4 0DP 0 51.535483 -1.665555
SN4 0DQ 0 51.543811 -1.696052
SN4 0DR 2 51.53116 -1.66945
SN4 0DS 0 51.526009 -1.66352
SN4 0DT 1 51.521223 -1.65645
SN4 0DU 0 51.529907 -1.668493
SN4 0DW 1 51.547644 -1.667355
SN4 0DX 0 51.520643 -1.67048
SN4 0DZ 1 51.528542 -1.672309
SN4 0EB 1 51.509174 -1.67533
SN4 0ED 0 51.543106 -1.701707
SN4 0EF 0 51.546361 -1.698211
SN4 0EH 0 51.547467 -1.69816