all postcodes in SN4 / MALMESBURY

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN4 0HH 0 51.535153 -1.699741
SN4 0HJ 0 51.508847 -1.708184
SN4 0HL 0 51.532156 -1.702168
SN4 0HP 0 51.530732 -1.701212
SN4 0HQ 0 51.530833 -1.701845
SN4 0HR 0 51.531315 -1.686835
SN4 0HS 0 51.513261 -1.722595
SN4 0HT 6 51.511434 -1.725607
SN4 0HU 0 51.503092 -1.742611
SN4 0HX 5 51.497691 -1.739804
SN4 0HY 0 51.497453 -1.737918
SN4 0JA 0 51.501834 -1.730862
SN4 0JB 0 51.501452 -1.729067
SN4 0JD 0 51.501994 -1.73017
SN4 0JF 1 51.495495 -1.723207
SN4 0JG 0 51.495601 -1.734169
SN4 0JJ 0 51.494265 -1.731987
SN4 0JL 0 51.513819 -1.734654
SN4 0LE 0 51.51475 -1.736839
SN4 0LF 0 51.515776 -1.733161