all postcodes in SN5 / SWINDON

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN5 5LA 9 0 51.578967 -1.842407
SN5 5LB 10 0 51.577727 -1.843321
SN5 5NR 16 0 51.564797 -1.835935
SN5 5NZ 1 1 51.572261 -1.83676
SN5 5PA 11 0 51.569752 -1.842602
SN5 5PB 20 0 51.568084 -1.8335
SN5 5PD 1 1 51.569923 -1.84355
SN5 5PF 18 0 51.569184 -1.842355
SN5 5PG 10 0 51.570154 -1.841413
SN5 5PH 34 0 51.568868 -1.83494
SN5 5PJ 20 0 51.568919 -1.832876
SN5 5PL 8 0 51.570177 -1.845035
SN5 5PN 3 0 51.570005 -1.844155
SN5 5PP 1 0 51.570287 -1.847054
SN5 5PR 15 0 51.567092 -1.837687
SN5 5PS 29 0 51.567834 -1.834871
SN5 5PT 20 0 51.56715 -1.834585
SN5 5PU 28 2 51.565119 -1.82849
SN5 5PW 8 0 51.574939 -1.842883
SN5 5PX 1 1 51.567683 -1.836242