all postcodes in SN5 / SWINDON

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN5 0AA 5 1 51.588566 -1.906938
SN5 0AB 12 1 51.595472 -1.920018
SN5 0AD 98 81 51.60423 -1.920031
SN5 0AG 12 2 51.588929 -1.938751
SN5 0AH 6 0 51.575587 -1.940861
SN5 0AJ 8 2 51.57579 -1.934179
SN5 0AL 9 1 51.573121 -1.921096
SN5 0AN 31 14 51.566398 -1.922802
SN5 0AQ 9 0 51.580221 -1.948013
SN5 0AW 1 0 51.583078 -1.927804
SN5 1AD 1 1 51.562676 -1.818214
SN5 1BE 1 51.562676 -1.818214
SN5 1BP 1 51.562677 -1.818203
SN5 1BQ 1 51.562677 -1.818203
SN5 1BT 1 51.562676 -1.818214
SN5 1BU 0 51.562676 -1.818214
SN5 1BW 1 51.562677 -1.818203
SN5 1BZ 1 0 51.562676 -1.818214
SN5 1DA 1 51.562676 -1.818214
SN5 1DB 1 0 51.562677 -1.818203