all postcodes in SN5 / SWINDON

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN5 8RJ 0 51.549419 -1.840577
SN5 8RL 0 51.548736 -1.841343
SN5 8RN 0 51.548459 -1.842498
SN5 8RP 0 51.549321 -1.841803
SN5 8RQ 0 51.549167 -1.840967
SN5 8RR 0 51.551298 -1.840743
SN5 8RS 1 51.546418 -1.842678
SN5 8RT 0 51.550095 -1.841815
SN5 8RU 1 51.544431 -1.842627
SN5 8RW 0 51.549125 -1.842784
SN5 8SX 5 51.553555 -1.821841
SN5 8UB 15 51.548103 -1.852349
SN5 8UD 1 51.544989 -1.849937
SN5 8UY 2 51.547543 -1.842463
SN5 8UZ 1 51.546908 -1.853031
SN5 8WA 4 51.554305 -1.812896
SN5 8WD 0 51.55409 -1.802469
SN5 8WF 2 51.555273 -1.811046
SN5 8WG 1 51.554378 -1.807602
SN5 8WQ 16 51.552474 -1.808595