all postcodes in SN5 / SWINDON

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN5 1DE 1 51.562677 -1.818203
SN5 1DF 1 51.562677 -1.818203
SN5 1DG 1 0 51.562677 -1.818203
SN5 1DH 1 1 51.562677 -1.818203
SN5 1DJ 1 1 51.562677 -1.818203
SN5 1DL 1 51.562677 -1.818203
SN5 1DN 1 51.562677 -1.818203
SN5 1DP 1 51.562677 -1.818203
SN5 3LD 38 1 51.576028 -1.856073
SN5 3LE 14 0 51.574227 -1.862957
SN5 3LH 4 0 51.569027 -1.860145
SN5 3LP 29 0 51.572934 -1.879329
SN5 3LR 12 2 51.572052 -1.870241
SN5 3LS 4 0 51.572372 -1.867854
SN5 3LT 30 0 51.573564 -1.872583
SN5 3LU 42 3 51.570684 -1.862189
SN5 3LW 6 6 51.573211 -1.878044
SN5 3LX 8 0 51.569019 -1.861184
SN5 3LY 9 0 51.56854 -1.859295
SN5 3LZ 12 0 51.568431 -1.858285