all postcodes in SN8 / PEWSEY

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN8 2AJ 17 2 51.419641 -1.715109
SN8 2AL 4 0 51.420276 -1.717607
SN8 2AN 25 2 51.419563 -1.716475
SN8 2AP 23 2 51.419398 -1.723282
SN8 2AR 14 2 51.419759 -1.715683
SN8 2AS 17 0 51.419932 -1.712863
SN8 2AT 9 0 51.418352 -1.710155
SN8 2AW 18 0 51.41956 -1.71905
SN8 2AX 26 0 51.419656 -1.71019
SN8 2AY 1 1 51.420894 -1.70961
SN8 2AZ 22 1 51.420549 -1.711608
SN8 2BA 24 0 51.420424 -1.715636
SN8 2BB 7 0 51.419972 -1.714373
SN8 2BD 36 0 51.421656 -1.715556
SN8 2BE 30 0 51.421699 -1.714708
SN8 2BF 4 0 51.418288 -1.713276
SN8 2BG 17 10 51.421708 -1.718519
SN8 2BH 8 0 51.420996 -1.710585
SN8 2BJ 4 0 51.420355 -1.709266
SN8 2BL 5 2 51.479972 -1.624892