all postcodes in SN8 / PEWSEY

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN8 2BN 4 0 51.422448 -1.716331
SN8 2BP 4 1 51.48026 -1.622039
SN8 2BS 48 3 51.479363 -1.622766
SN8 2BT 5 0 51.479929 -1.622603
SN8 2BU 74 1 51.477076 -1.624455
SN8 2BW 14 0 51.479896 -1.62089
SN8 2BX 11 0 51.477242 -1.622942
SN8 2BY 15 0 51.47682 -1.623378
SN8 2BZ 10 0 51.477355 -1.619169
SN8 2DA 28 1 51.478239 -1.622575
SN8 2DB 20 0 51.477646 -1.625689
SN8 2DD 22 2 51.477127 -1.620956
SN8 2LB 4 1 51.47261 -1.631259
SN8 2DE 20 1 51.476208 -1.620186
SN8 2DF 11 0 51.474399 -1.619827
SN8 2DG 2 0 51.480232 -1.618771
SN8 2DH 3 1 51.482773 -1.615106
SN8 2DJ 4 0 51.48348 -1.614048
SN8 2DL 6 1 51.480869 -1.618348
SN8 2DN 10 0 51.482462 -1.616275