all postcodes in SN8 / PEWSEY

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN8 2HS 3 0 51.500247 -1.597527
SN8 2HT 3 0 51.500375 -1.597915
SN8 2HU 5 0 51.497895 -1.606609
SN8 2HW 2 1 51.425692 -1.634227
SN8 2HX 5 1 51.494743 -1.599678
SN8 2HY 2 0 51.497178 -1.599125
SN8 2HZ 38 0 51.498933 -1.599441
SN8 2JA 2 0 51.499424 -1.598543
SN8 2JB 2 0 51.497376 -1.599123
SN8 2JD 22 0 51.498721 -1.595394
SN8 2JE 6 0 51.498435 -1.593495
SN8 2JF 12 0 51.499292 -1.593992
SN8 2JG 1 0 51.500053 -1.596002
SN8 2JH 6 0 51.500145 -1.596534
SN8 2JJ 13 1 51.50055 -1.593937
SN8 2JL 2 0 51.501381 -1.594982
SN8 2JN 6 0 51.50023 -1.590021
SN8 2JP 11 2 51.500862 -1.598472
SN8 2JQ 24 0 51.499439 -1.595157
SN8 2JS 2 1 51.501247 -1.595286