all postcodes in SN8 / PEWSEY

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN8 2EP 7 0 51.478497 -1.61926
SN8 2EQ 3 0 51.483841 -1.619964
SN8 2ET 1 0 51.419313 -1.702456
SN8 2EU 8 0 51.423826 -1.671965
SN8 2EW 3 0 51.481954 -1.617561
SN8 2EX 13 0 51.428149 -1.66847
SN8 2EY 8 2 51.42816 -1.662831
SN8 2EZ 24 0 51.430113 -1.657135
SN8 2HA 20 2 51.430331 -1.65476
SN8 2HB 10 0 51.447698 -1.62107
SN8 2HD 7 2 51.450353 -1.608082
SN8 2HE 8 1 51.455801 -1.597212
SN8 2HF 8 1 51.465353 -1.603218
SN8 2HG 12 1 51.471265 -1.586408
SN8 2HH 6 0 51.470065 -1.562909
SN8 2HJ 7 1 51.455935 -1.566771
SN8 2HL 10 0 51.428685 -1.600601
SN8 2HN 10 0 51.420523 -1.606755
SN8 2HQ 8 0 51.454262 -1.576473
SN8 2HR 1 1 51.455943 -1.596507