all postcodes in SN9 / PEWSEY

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN9 5JR 9 0 51.342487 -1.774722
SN9 5NF 37 0 51.341849 -1.774898
SN9 5AH 0 51.338976 -1.768107
SN9 5AN 5 0 51.334846 -1.766305
SN9 5BZ 0 51.336333 -1.759134
SN9 5DG 5 0 51.33862 -1.765252
SN9 5HL 1 51.334568 -1.766852
SN9 5DF 0 51.33537 -1.758781
SN9 5DQ 3 0 51.340207 -1.764301
SN9 5EN 0 51.339206 -1.766111
SN9 5FA 7 0 51.337834 -1.765002
SN9 6AA 0 51.294892 -1.803983
SN9 6AB 0 51.292168 -1.804152
SN9 6AD 0 51.289422 -1.801884
SN9 6AE 0 51.289932 -1.800333
SN9 6AF 2 51.290534 -1.800244
SN9 6AG 0 51.288776 -1.802905
SN9 6AH 0 51.275048 -1.79882
SN9 6AJ 0 51.268506 -1.801386
SN9 6AL 0 51.264725 -1.795932