all postcodes in SN9 / PEWSEY

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN9 5PH 1 51.338924 -1.838938
SN9 5PL 2 51.337943 -1.845143
SN9 5PN 0 51.337748 -1.839933
SN9 5PQ 0 51.338248 -1.83805
SN9 5PR 1 51.34284 -1.849448
SN9 5PS 5 51.352616 -1.853342
SN9 5PT 0 51.353733 -1.85476
SN9 5PU 0 51.353979 -1.855199
SN9 5PW 0 51.338165 -1.845535
SN9 5PX 0 51.353224 -1.855215
SN9 5PZ 16 51.332024 -1.776539
SN9 5QA 0 51.346267 -1.72972
SN9 5QE 0 51.340514 -1.768286
SN9 5QS 0 51.341182 -1.760588
SN9 5QX 1 51.419648 -1.733617
SN9 5DD 5 0 51.337536 -1.771689
SN9 5WE 1 51.419648 -1.733617
SN9 5PP 1 51.337161 -1.782859
SN9 5PJ 6 0 51.347261 -1.79928
SN9 5HX 72 0 51.342135 -1.773877