all postcodes in SO30 / SOUTHAMPTON

find any address or company within the SO30 postcode district

Postcode Area

SO / Southampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SO30 2JT 0 50.92791 -1.30776
SO30 2JU 0 50.92769 -1.308478
SO30 2JX 0 50.929331 -1.307739
SO30 2JY 0 50.928786 -1.306808
SO30 2LD 0 50.930689 -1.306328
SO30 2LE 2 50.92968 -1.304379
SO30 2LF 1 50.929878 -1.307435
SO30 2NN 1 1 50.925449 -1.308156
SO30 2YE 1 50.925449 -1.308156
SO30 2PP 1 1 50.925449 -1.308156
SO30 2PT 1 1 50.925449 -1.308156
SO30 2PU 1 1 50.925449 -1.308156
SO30 2PX 1 1 50.925449 -1.308156
SO30 2PY 1 1 50.925449 -1.308156
SO30 2JZ 39 0 50.928243 -1.303344
SO30 2LL 37 0 50.927809 -1.304321
SO30 2LN 76 0 50.927494 -1.305749
SO30 2LP 19 0 50.927871 -1.305811
SO30 2LR 33 0 50.927764 -1.302814
SO30 2LS 12 0 50.927776 -1.303337