all postcodes in SO30 / SOUTHAMPTON

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Postcode Area

SO / Southampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SO30 2TB 0 50.929105 -1.292477
SO30 2TD 0 50.928441 -1.291403
SO30 2TE 0 50.92976 -1.290871
SO30 2TF 0 50.929332 -1.29135
SO30 2TG 0 50.92852 -1.289609
SO30 2TH 0 50.92636 -1.29512
SO30 2TJ 0 50.931209 -1.294107
SO30 2TL 1 50.923861 -1.29536
SO30 2TN 1 50.913914 -1.273132
SO30 2TP 0 50.914326 -1.265614
SO30 2TQ 0 50.928981 -1.289872
SO30 2TW 0 50.913616 -1.275784
SO30 2TX 0 50.914441 -1.275473
SO30 2TY 0 50.92865 -1.293193
SO30 2UA 0 50.917644 -1.275636
SO30 2UB 0 50.933256 -1.299387
SO30 2UD 12 0 50.933314 -1.298686
SO30 2UE 32 0 50.912156 -1.269562
SO30 2UG 6 0 50.911399 -1.269332
SO30 2UH 12 12 50.922466 -1.311714