all postcodes in SO31 / SOUTHAMPTON

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Postcode Area

SO / Southampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SO31 7FF 7 0 50.878366 -1.283236
SO31 7FG 11 0 50.876893 -1.281994
SO31 7FH 9 0 50.876289 -1.280425
SO31 7FJ 8 0 50.876396 -1.281717
SO31 7FL 9 1 50.880911 -1.295155
SO31 7FN 11 1 50.880905 -1.295653
SO31 7FP 43 0 50.871406 -1.265948
SO31 7FR 30 0 50.87219 -1.269005
SO31 7FT 2 0 50.876726 -1.282781
SO31 7FX 22 0 50.87417 -1.275143
SO31 7FY 14 0 50.875292 -1.274812
SO31 7FZ 11 0 50.874869 -1.274606
SO31 7GA 12 10 50.874303 -1.266217
SO31 7GB 10 7 50.881987 -1.296134
SO31 7GD 21 2 50.871059 -1.266567
SO31 7GE 12 9 50.87173 -1.267378
SO31 7GF 10 5 50.872275 -1.269658
SO31 7GG 25 4 50.871914 -1.269652
SO31 7GH 33 24 50.872354 -1.267979
SO31 7GJ 27 4 50.873313 -1.268891