all postcodes in SO31 / SOUTHAMPTON

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Postcode Area

SO / Southampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SO31 7HN 1 1 50.873572 -1.274358
SO31 7HP 7 0 50.881201 -1.296924
SO31 7HQ 5 0 50.873209 -1.270979
SO31 7HZ 4 0 50.874196 -1.288019
SO31 7JH 35 0 50.88357 -1.294657
SO31 7JP 9 0 50.883333 -1.295584
SO31 7JS 5 0 50.883802 -1.294312
SO31 7JT 8 0 50.875735 -1.275277
SO31 7LA 6 0 50.880907 -1.294469
SO31 7LB 0 50.872376 -1.288999
SO31 7LD 0 50.871632 -1.269
SO31 7LE 0 50.873767 -1.268185
SO31 7LH 0 50.875068 -1.282107
SO31 7LJ 0 50.871493 -1.290121
SO31 7LP 0 50.874225 -1.276762
SO31 7LR 0 50.875445 -1.277667
SO31 7LS 0 50.874711 -1.276825
SO31 7LT 0 50.871099 -1.271452
SO31 7NB 0 50.873809 -1.289531
SO31 7PN 0 50.863514 -1.279485