all postcodes in SO41 / BROCKENHURST

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Postcode Area

SO / Southampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SO41 0RU 36 0 50.731228 -1.598424
SO41 0RW 0 50.729905 -1.600759
SO41 0RX 0 50.730265 -1.600869
SO41 0RY 0 50.729121 -1.597705
SO41 0RZ 0 50.728533 -1.596619
SO41 0SA 0 50.728224 -1.598407
SO41 0SB 0 50.726514 -1.600561
SO41 0SD 0 50.724628 -1.598821
SO41 0SE 0 50.729885 -1.592315
SO41 0SF 0 50.729298 -1.591781
SO41 0SG 0 50.72938 -1.58957
SO41 0SH 0 50.729431 -1.591199
SO41 0SJ 0 50.728033 -1.592458
SO41 0SL 0 50.728966 -1.591855
SO41 0SN 0 50.728083 -1.59148
SO41 0SP 0 50.727743 -1.591866
SO41 0SQ 1 50.727263 -1.591062
SO41 0SR 0 50.726776 -1.593178
SO41 0SS 0 50.727609 -1.594658
SO41 0ST 0 50.726084 -1.585547