all postcodes in SO41 / BROCKENHURST

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Postcode Area

SO / Southampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SO41 0SU 0 50.731998 -1.58721
SO41 0SW 0 50.731477 -1.592627
SO41 0SX 0 50.728067 -1.594654
SO41 0SY 0 50.722608 -1.591868
SO41 0SZ 0 50.722372 -1.591346
SO41 0TA 0 50.724873 -1.581492
SO41 0TB 0 50.724852 -1.580628
SO41 0TD 0 50.725163 -1.579619
SO41 0TE 0 50.725726 -1.580932
SO41 0TF 0 50.724275 -1.580109
SO41 0TG 0 50.723986 -1.579885
SO41 0TH 1 50.723835 -1.572965
SO41 0TJ 0 50.723957 -1.574346
SO41 0TL 0 50.723147 -1.571732
SO41 0TN 0 50.722732 -1.571402
SO41 0TP 2 50.721495 -1.567611
SO41 0TQ 0 50.720722 -1.570026
SO41 0TR 2 50.723125 -1.563303
SO41 0TS 1 50.726229 -1.571109
SO41 0TX 7 50.738816 -1.585109