all postcodes in SO41 / BROCKENHURST

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Postcode Area

SO / Southampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SO41 5QX 0 50.781798 -1.523225
SO41 5QY 1 50.783626 -1.519382
SO41 5QZ 1 50.784499 -1.519652
SO41 5RA 0 50.782904 -1.518865
SO41 5SZ 0 50.76707 -1.532739
SO41 5RB 0 50.764969 -1.535851
SO41 5RD 0 50.764907 -1.533597
SO41 5RE 1 50.771173 -1.528552
SO41 5RF 1 50.775779 -1.520294
SO41 5RG 0 50.773865 -1.524979
SO41 5RH 0 50.774147 -1.523692
SO41 5RJ 0 50.774761 -1.524077
SO41 5RL 0 50.775095 -1.522434
SO41 5RN 1 50.774179 -1.513914
SO41 5RP 2 50.768256 -1.504154
SO41 5RQ 0 50.77634 -1.497573
SO41 5RR 0 50.776251 -1.493801
SO41 5RS 0 50.776142 -1.495357
SO41 5RT 0 50.778007 -1.494279
SO41 5RU 0 50.77726 -1.496329