all postcodes in SO41 / BROCKENHURST

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Postcode Area

SO / Southampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SO41 5RW 0 50.777674 -1.498177
SO41 5RX 0 50.77839 -1.499489
SO41 5RY 0 50.78309 -1.538092
SO41 5RZ 0 50.77554 -1.523388
SO41 5SA 0 50.762521 -1.532765
SO41 5SB 5 50.760134 -1.532029
SO41 5SD 1 50.759434 -1.527966
SO41 5SE 0 50.760017 -1.529804
SO41 5SF 1 50.764594 -1.520621
SO41 5SG 0 50.761337 -1.520385
SO41 5SH 1 50.756888 -1.51656
SO41 5SJ 1 50.761712 -1.498367
SO41 5SL 0 50.765014 -1.490548
SO41 5SN 0 50.764223 -1.49257
SO41 5SP 0 50.759804 -1.48567
SO41 5SQ 0 50.766054 -1.465575
SO41 5SR 4 50.778919 -1.472766
SO41 5SS 0 50.775307 -1.481444
SO41 5ST 0 50.777812 -1.47858
SO41 5SU 0 50.774129 -1.481485