all postcodes in SO41 / BROCKENHURST

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Postcode Area

SO / Southampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SO41 8GD 2 50.753829 -1.561657
SO41 8GE 0 50.753992 -1.564482
SO41 8GF 0 50.753743 -1.565017
SO41 8GG 0 50.75449 -1.567761
SO41 8GH 0 50.752947 -1.56382
SO41 8GJ 0 50.753486 -1.563801
SO41 8GL 0 50.755379 -1.560126
SO41 8GN 7 50.753709 -1.560983
SO41 8GP 0 50.754979 -1.561334
SO41 8GQ 1 50.758078 -1.570385
SO41 8GR 0 50.758805 -1.572335
SO41 8GS 0 50.758897 -1.572867
SO41 8GT 0 50.760039 -1.572658
SO41 8GU 0 50.761331 -1.571965
SO41 8GW 0 50.760979 -1.571685
SO41 8GX 0 50.760735 -1.571347
SO41 8GY 1 50.759845 -1.571228
SO41 8GZ 1 50.757053 -1.567666
SO41 8HA 1 50.757581 -1.56708
SO41 8HB 0 50.758011 -1.566622