all postcodes in SO41 / BROCKENHURST

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Postcode Area

SO / Southampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SO41 8HD 0 50.758992 -1.566698
SO41 8HE 1 50.757206 -1.565311
SO41 8HF 0 50.755209 -1.562835
SO41 8HG 0 50.756135 -1.562699
SO41 8HH 1 50.756935 -1.562867
SO41 8HJ 0 50.756594 -1.562694
SO41 8HL 0 50.758037 -1.561504
SO41 8HN 0 50.758148 -1.559986
SO41 8HP 0 50.756318 -1.561095
SO41 8HQ 0 50.756771 -1.55973
SO41 8HR 0 50.75618 -1.560387
SO41 8HS 0 50.755987 -1.559269
SO41 8HT 0 50.756039 -1.558659
SO41 8HU 0 50.754956 -1.560016
SO41 8HW 0 50.755013 -1.560781
SO41 8HX 2 50.754811 -1.557508
SO41 8QS 0 50.753957 -1.560074
SO41 8HY 0 50.755583 -1.557047
SO41 8HZ 0 50.755808 -1.554664
SO41 8JA 0 50.755441 -1.562385