all postcodes in SO51 / ROMSEY

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Postcode Area

SO / Southampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SO51 0JG 24 3 51.034935 -1.57179
SO51 0JH 3 0 51.030837 -1.560391
SO51 0JJ 5 0 51.035343 -1.572913
SO51 0JL 11 0 51.039762 -1.583983
SO51 0JN 38 3 51.038845 -1.585534
SO51 0JP 28 0 51.035948 -1.586143
SO51 0JQ 23 0 51.038346 -1.589361
SO51 0JR 17 2 51.042017 -1.588414
SO51 0JS 14 0 51.027935 -1.575008
SO51 0JW 1 0 51.020883 -1.575213
SO51 0AS 2 0 51.017869 -1.573846
SO51 0JU 6 0 51.017534 -1.571523
SO51 0JT 24 16 51.050882 -1.582999
SO51 0JX 1 0 51.034005 -1.547041
SO51 0LA 1 0 51.025315 -1.516898
SO51 0LB 6 1 51.033514 -1.52463
SO51 0LD 7 0 51.038614 -1.523477
SO51 0LE 14 4 51.028632 -1.531439
SO51 0LF 41 2 51.031952 -1.543938
SO51 0LG 6 0 51.031549 -1.553696