all postcodes in SO51 / ROMSEY

find any address or company within the SO51 postcode district

Postcode Area

SO / Southampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SO51 0LH 11 0 51.037929 -1.547773
SO51 0LJ 1 0 51.038937 -1.538863
SO51 0LL 7 0 51.038612 -1.536228
SO51 0LN 9 0 51.03931 -1.533126
SO51 0LP 12 2 51.040463 -1.538306
SO51 0LQ 7 0 51.041915 -1.539404
SO51 0LR 1 0 51.041057 -1.5475
SO51 0LS 26 0 51.046608 -1.550585
SO51 0LT 4 0 51.063864 -1.552886
SO51 0LU 7 1 51.053138 -1.577486
SO51 0LW 31 1 51.045095 -1.581425
SO51 0LX 3 0 51.040696 -1.551854
SO51 0LY 50 0 51.033639 -1.574027
SO51 0LZ 3 0 51.034672 -1.573718
SO51 0NA 17 0 51.020005 -1.506677
SO51 0NB 16 7 51.016067 -1.503237
SO51 0ND 4 0 51.021939 -1.502493
SO51 0NE 17 0 51.019196 -1.507395
SO51 0NF 39 0 51.022527 -1.508286
SO51 0NG 21 3 51.026529 -1.512564