all postcodes in SP11 / ANDOVER

find any address or company within the SP11 postcode district

Postcode Area

SP / Salisbury

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SP11 0JX 6 0 51.306497 -1.508516
SP11 0JY 19 3 51.30663 -1.51015
SP11 0JZ 16 0 51.308171 -1.511683
SP11 0LA 8 0 51.309447 -1.510679
SP11 0LB 8 0 51.310333 -1.509723
SP11 0LD 13 1 51.307159 -1.514118
SP11 0LE 15 0 51.30739 -1.514073
SP11 0LF 26 0 51.308543 -1.514032
SP11 0LG 3 0 51.306531 -1.525357
SP11 0LH 5 0 51.316038 -1.521686
SP11 0LJ 2 0 51.315518 -1.518364
SP11 0LL 7 1 51.326516 -1.526715
SP11 0LP 6 0 51.306646 -1.513894
SP11 0LQ 4 0 51.310445 -1.521572
SP11 0LS 4 1 51.258932 -1.43317
SP11 0LT 10 2 51.263191 -1.425321
SP11 0LU 7 0 51.263605 -1.423524
SP11 0LX 5 0 51.262677 -1.423077
SP11 0LY 3 0 51.264219 -1.424004
SP11 0LZ 4 0 51.265227 -1.425912