all postcodes in SP11 / ANDOVER

find any address or company within the SP11 postcode district

Postcode Area

SP / Salisbury

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SP11 0NA 2 0 51.263914 -1.426616
SP11 0ND 4 0 51.265058 -1.424481
SP11 0NE 3 0 51.264725 -1.424413
SP11 0NF 10 0 51.264555 -1.424745
SP11 0NG 2 0 51.264672 -1.425374
SP11 0NH 12 0 51.265766 -1.425833
SP11 0NJ 1 0 51.26501 -1.423922
SP11 0NL 2 0 51.264474 -1.42347
SP11 0NN 2 0 51.264996 -1.423478
SP11 0NP 18 1 51.2656 -1.421392
SP11 0NQ 8 0 51.26492 -1.425758
SP11 0NR 1 0 51.265363 -1.422657
SP11 0NS 2 0 51.265375 -1.421997
SP11 0NT 3 0 51.268562 -1.416797
SP11 0NU 2 0 51.270442 -1.413734
SP11 0NW 4 0 51.265105 -1.423047
SP11 0NX 3 0 51.270931 -1.413986
SP11 0NY 4 0 51.261402 -1.41974
SP11 0PA 1 0 51.291619 -1.409779
SP11 0PB 2 0 51.266144 -1.426645