all postcodes in SP11 / ANDOVER

find any address or company within the SP11 postcode district

Postcode Area

SP / Salisbury

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SP11 6LZ 2 0 51.22345 -1.41214
SP11 6NA 9 5 51.22938 -1.396468
SP11 6NB 4 0 51.228502 -1.394131
SP11 6ND 32 3 51.218638 -1.438604
SP11 6NF 4 0 51.221926 -1.454073
SP11 6NG 6 0 51.223238 -1.430458
SP11 6NJ 1 1 51.188463 -1.411569
SP11 6NL 2 0 51.189686 -1.403584
SP11 6NN 6 0 51.190436 -1.401785
SP11 6NP 2 0 51.190142 -1.399643
SP11 6NQ 36 1 51.245303 -1.476403
SP11 6NR 2 0 51.187385 -1.402054
SP11 6NT 1 0 51.190415 -1.397693
SP11 6NU 29 0 51.189215 -1.400427
SP11 6NW 2 0 51.189482 -1.400553
SP11 6NX 2 0 51.193853 -1.397362
SP11 6NY 1 0 51.192881 -1.392895
SP11 6PA 1 0 51.193572 -1.392543
SP11 6PB 11 3 51.193967 -1.391593
SP11 6PD 5 0 51.193816 -1.389391