all postcodes in SP11 / ANDOVER

find any address or company within the SP11 postcode district

Postcode Area

SP / Salisbury

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SP11 6PE 4 0 51.194357 -1.389527
SP11 6PF 2 0 51.194468 -1.389283
SP11 6PG 12 0 51.194663 -1.387978
SP11 6PH 11 0 51.193041 -1.383005
SP11 6PJ 4 0 51.191846 -1.380717
SP11 6PL 1 1 51.193571 -1.397609
SP11 6PN 7 0 51.193398 -1.381598
SP11 6PP 7 0 51.195305 -1.390302
SP11 6PQ 8 0 51.194241 -1.387983
SP11 6PR 2 0 51.19685 -1.38397
SP11 6PS 2 0 51.196762 -1.380966
SP11 6PT 5 0 51.197336 -1.383248
SP11 6PW 4 0 51.197703 -1.382957
SP11 6PX 4 0 51.198417 -1.38269
SP11 6PY 3 0 51.198882 -1.381453
SP11 6PZ 19 1 51.198731 -1.381827
SP11 6QB 1 0 51.199661 -1.380755
SP11 6QD 37 0 51.19966 -1.382244
SP11 6QE 7 0 51.200139 -1.379475
SP11 6QF 2 0 51.20181 -1.374815