all postcodes in SP1 / SALISBURY

find any address or company within the SP1 postcode district

Postcode Area

SP / Salisbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SP1 2QT 9 0 51.067183 -1.785422
SP1 2QU 26 2 51.067538 -1.788032
SP1 2QX 40 0 51.068257 -1.787472
SP1 2QY 3 0 51.068457 -1.78386
SP1 2QZ 1 0 51.068606 -1.786414
SP1 2RA 1 1 51.068775 -1.785357
SP1 2RB 2 2 51.070059 -1.782559
SP1 2RD 1 1 51.06935 -1.785497
SP1 2RE 14 1 51.06765 -1.784949
SP1 2RF 5 0 51.067891 -1.783891
SP1 2RG 11 0 51.067575 -1.78345
SP1 2RH 10 0 51.066896 -1.781013
SP1 2RJ 11 0 51.067283 -1.780926
SP1 2RL 43 0 51.065825 -1.780619
SP1 2RN 12 1 51.06674 -1.779316
SP1 2RQ 29 0 51.067446 -1.781667
SP1 2RR 27 0 51.068658 -1.780748
SP1 2RS 1 1 51.067614 -1.780039
SP1 2RT 11 0 51.067592 -1.777999
SP1 2RU 43 0 51.068497 -1.781291