all postcodes in SP1 / SALISBURY

find any address or company within the SP1 postcode district

Postcode Area

SP / Salisbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SP1 2RX 11 0 51.068099 -1.784633
SP1 2RY 14 0 51.067795 -1.78569
SP1 2RZ 21 0 51.066935 -1.777831
SP1 2SA 7 0 51.070476 -1.781724
SP1 2SB 7 3 51.066316 -1.793389
SP1 2SD 1 1 51.066649 -1.793459
SP1 2SE 20 0 51.065228 -1.793508
SP1 2SF 31 1 51.063889 -1.793871
SP1 2SG 19 3 51.062604 -1.794148
SP1 2SH 7 0 51.065354 -1.79345
SP1 2SJ 9 0 51.062213 -1.796989
SP1 2SN 13 0 51.061313 -1.796522
SP1 2SP 5 1 51.068903 -1.786741
SP1 2SQ 21 0 51.063304 -1.793502
SP1 2SR 1 1 51.072367 -1.781206
SP1 2SS 7 0 51.067934 -1.778354
SP1 2SU 49 0 51.065422 -1.791053
SP1 2SW 30 1 51.061635 -1.795693
SP1 2SX 13 0 51.065594 -1.79158
SP1 2SY 15 0 51.064872 -1.790627